
This site is dedicated to communication in all its forms and reasons
From the learning and Teaching of English, the language which the world has in common,
to the different ways to convey our messages: Through Speeches, Social Networks, Marketing,
Blogging, Wikis, you name it any way people communicate.




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The Web 2.0 is changing the way we interact, learn, work, communicate, advertise, sell, etc. This site's main purpose is to provide visitors with help in keeping up and using it to their benefit

The Internet provides a place for interaction and learning. But it's easy to get lost in the midst of so much content -some good, some bad. I aim to provide a place for learning and practice to English language learners and teachers where they can find interactive exercises, reading suggestions, wikis, and all sorts of activities for learning English.

In addition to English learning and teaching, I am experienced in Marketing and Sales. This experience has been especially focused on educational programs and corporate training. Nowadays most companies are using social networking and blogs for getting their message accross. Many don't do it properly and are sending a wrong message to their customers.